Next version of Microsoft Office Communication Server named Microsoft Lync has now gone RTM. Read the whole story at Unified Communications Group Team Blog
Now we all just wait for the media to be available.
... words from a messaging guy
Next version of Microsoft Office Communication Server named Microsoft Lync has now gone RTM. Read the whole story at Unified Communications Group Team Blog
Now we all just wait for the media to be available.
After some wait Exchange server 2010 Service Pack 1 is now released.
Read about all the new and improved features here
Download it here and read the release note very carefully before installing.
happy patching
CU6 for OCS 2007 R2 was released a couple of weeks ago. OCS 2007 R2 CU6
The simplest way of installing is to download and run the ServerUpdateInstaller. This will install all of the needed patches to your OCS server.
Unfortunately there is a problem that you might encounter when doing so. The FrontEnd service will not start and you will se this in the eventlog. “The Office Communications Server Front-End service terminated with service-specific error 3287186749 (0xC3EE7D3D).”. Reason is that serverinstaller does not contain all updates needed. The FrontEnd server patch needs an updated database to run correctly.
What you need to do is to ununstall KB983472 and then install the OCS2009-DBUpgrade.msi to upgrade the databases used by OCS.
OCS2009-DBUpgrade.msi is found in KB 2032834, Description of the cumulative update package for Office Communications Server 2007 R2 database: July, 2010
After databases have been upgraded you can reinstall KB983472 or simply run serverinstaller again and since databases are updated, the OCS FrontEnd service will start normally.
For many generations, Outlook Web Access allowed users to change their password, but only after they had successfully logged on to OWA. With Exchange 2007 Service Pack 3 and the upcoming Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1, administrators now have the ability to change the password pretty much the same way users do when they log on to Windows on their PC.
This enables administrators to set the bit to force users to change their password the next time they logon. This new feature also lets users change their password after it has expired, without having to call the helpdesk for assistance.
How does it work?
First users are presented with the ordinary OWA logon form.
If the account is being forced to change its password, a new form will be displayed that contains fields for the account name and new and old passwords.
If the user fills in everything correctly, then they will be presented with a status form simply saying their password was changed.
After pressing the OK button, the user will be presented with the ordinary logon form again so they can logon with the newly set password.
Enable password change functionality.
Changing passwords in this manner has to be enabled – it is not enabled by default. This is done by setting a bit in registry on your CAS servers.
In the “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchange OWA” subkey, create a DWORD (if needed) named ChangeExpiredPasswordEnabled and give it a value of 1 (one) to enable the functionality, and 0 (zero) to disable.
After you change the registry value, you must do a “iisreset /noforce” to activate the new setting.
Now all you administrators can sit back, relax, and enjoy letting peoples’ passwords expire or setting the “User must change password at next logon.” (Even though we all know that the chances of the user calling the help desk anyway are still pretty high!)
Consider authentication method.
Rest password functionality will only work if you have Forms Based Authentication enabled on CAS.
If you’re protecting CAS with ISA/TMG and doing FBA on ISA/TMG, then you probably have authentication set to Basic or Windows Integrated on CAS, so this functionality will not be enabled.
To solve this, enable the change password functionality on ISA/TMG: (However, if you ask me this method does not perform the password reset functionality as nicely as Exchange OWA.)
Another way to solve this is to change how OWA is published by enabling FBA with the new password reset functionality on CAS and not performing the authentication on ISA/TMG. On the other hand, this workaround could raise some security concerns so I urge you to look closely at all your options before choosing the password reset method that best suits your company’s needs.
I hope that this tutorial on OWA password reset changes in Exchange 2007 SP 3 and 2010 SP 1 has been informative for you. Now that administrators can reset OWA passwords easily, or even better allow users to reset their own passwords, it should no doubt reduce the volume of calls the help desk receives.
When rearranging and upgrading to never OS it’s very common to install a new DC and then remove the old one instead of doing in place upgrade. This is all fine Active Directory wise. Exchange Server itself will dynamically detect new and removed Domain Controllers and Global Catalog servers and adjust accordingly but Exchange Management Console is not dynamic in the same way.
Symptoms is when you start or navigate in EMC you get error messages indicating error in LDAP query or missing Domain Controllers.
You might also see error messages in the Application log indicating unavailable LDAP or DC/GC.
Why is this happening?
EMC caches Domain Controller names in the MMC temporary files and unfortunately it will not be clever enough to query another DC or GC when the current one is not responding or has been removed.
How to solve the problem?
Solution is quite easy: clear the MMC cache.
Close all open MMC. Start a new empty MMC, in the menu, select File/Options and then on the Options Window and Disk Cleanup tab, press the “Delete Files” button. Close the empty MMC.
Next time you start EMC it has no cache to read from and will dynamically select a new DC.
There is another way of doing this. Close all open MMC and then delete the file “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MMC\Exchange Management Console”.
As you can see this cache is per user which unless the administrator creates a process of clearing the cache when needed, each user that runs EMC must clear the cache itself.
If you’re interested, “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MMC\Exchange Management Console” file is in XML format and can be viewed if you like, but I wouldn’t advice you to make any changes to it.
Microsoft has now released Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3.
With SP3 it is now possible to run Exchange 2007 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Download Exchange 2007 SP3 from here
The link with what’s new in Exchange seems to be incorrect. but here it is anyway
Don’t run of and upgrade your OS to Windows Server 2008 R2 because of this. It’s most likely not supported when Exchange is installed.
Happy patching
Read the complete list of fixes here Exchange 2010 UR4 – KB982639
Worth mentioning is that if you’re using Microsoft update and Exchange DAG, updates will not be automatically detected. DAG/Cluster servers should be patched manually.
Installation package can be downloaded from download link for Exchange 2010 UR4
I began this series by explaining how to build a low cost site or datacenter disaster recovery solution with the new Database Availability Group (DAG) feature in Exchange 2010. Next, I covered the process of failing over to your other site in case of a disaster. Naturally, I hope you never experience a disaster in your Exchange environment, but if you do this article will ensure you are prepared.
In Part 3, I will walk you through the steps of performing a Backup, Restore, and finally a Recovery. While it is important to know how to do a proper backup, it is equally if not more important to be able to use it in case disaster strikes.
The Backup Process
Performing a backup of Exchange 2010 databases is not that difficult; just make sure that your backup software uses VSS technology since the traditional streaming backup API is not available in Exchange 2010.
The built-in Windows Server Backup has this capability, but it lacks many other functions that a real backup solution has. Therefore, I tend to rank Windows Server Backup as a poor man’s backup software. See my earlier post about Windows Server Backup and Exchange 2007 for more details. While the article is written for Exchange 2007, it is also applicable to Exchange 2010.
Other vendors are working on their backup software to ensure its compatibility with Exchange 2010 and some already have it working. An example is Microsoft’s Data Protection Manager 2010.
No matter which backup software you use, the steps for doing a backup are essentially the same. Backup software communicates with VSS, which in turn communicates with the Exchange Write that is installed during the Exchange installation. During this process, only changed blocks on disk will be transferred to the backup software, which is responsible for saving and storing data for later retrieval. By transferring only changed blocks on disk the backup time is decreased and so is the number of bytes on the wire.
In the example we have been using for this series, we have one server running in the primary datacenter and another server in the Disaster & Recovery (DR) datacenter.
The question arises: ‘Where do I do the backup -- on one or both servers?’ The answer is ‘It depends.’ (Don’t you love this answer!)
Your options are:
1. Do the Exchange database backup on one server and Exchange database copy of the other servers
2. OR backup only one server, but which one?
For the Exchange Admin who has been around Exchange awhile, the question about purging transaction log files always comes up. The beauty of the DAG design in Exchange 2010 can be seen during this process: when doing backup of a database in a database availability group (DAG), it will automatically purge the corresponding transaction log files on all replicas of that database. The server running the database where the backup is performed communicates to the other servers having a database replicated, telling them that a backup has been done and that it is now time to purge transaction log files. Which files to purge depends on several factors, such as checkpoint, replay lag time and truncation lag time. Thus, you should not expect them all to be purged with a normal full backup. With this in mind, make sure to size your transaction log LUN correctly if using replay lag time and truncation log time.
The Restore Process
The process of restoring a database located in a DAG is pretty much the same as doing it on a mailbox database that is not a member of DAG replication. The decision you must make is whether to use the lagged copy of the database or to perform a traditional restore.
How can we take advantage of the lagged database copy?
Lagged database copies can be used for recovering a logical corruption in a mailbox or mailbox database, or recovering individual mails or folders within a mailbox. The recovery process is simple, but you must consider the replaylagtime settings carefully so that you can discover a problem in time to use the lagged database copy before transaction log files are replayed into the lagged database.
Components needed for the recovery include a ‘recovery mailbox database’. The first step is to create a recovery mailbox database:
New-MailboxDatabase -Name RecoveryDB -Verbose -Recovery –EdbFilePath E:\Recovery\RecoveryDB.edb –LogFolderPath E:\Recovery -Server FQDNofServerInRecoverySite
This will create a recovery mailbox database with paths set to E:\Recovery
Next step is to get a file copy of the mailbox database you want to extract data from into the E:\Recovery folder. You could use a regular restore from your backup, but it’s often faster to make a copy of the lagged database. You may use the amount of transaction log files that suits your purpose.
Before doing a file copy, it is best to pause the replication with the Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy command:
Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy 'database name\FQDNofServerInDRSite'-SuspendComment "Recover data from database" -Verbose
We use VSS to do a shadow copy of the database we want to extract data from. The Syntax for vssadmin.exe command line tool is “vssadmin create shadow /For=”
As you can see, you can only do a VSS shadow copy for full volume, meaning the volume is either a disk such as D:\ or a mountpoint. You probably have database files and transaction log files on separate disks, so you must create shadow copies for both disks.
vssadmin create shadow /For=D:
vssadmin create shadow /For=G:
Pay attention to the result you get:
Shadow Copy Volume Name:
In previous versions of Windows, you could simply do a copy from the strange path above to your recovery folder, but this seems to be have either broken or been taken away in Windows Server 2008 R2. This is how it used to look:
copy “\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy2\path_to_your_edb_file” E:\RecoveryDB
But I discovered another way of doing it, with explorerer.exe:
Right click on your C drive, select Properties and Previous Version Tab. Here you should see the newly created shadow copy. Select it and click open. A new window opens in which you can drill down to wherever your Exchange database files are located and simply do a file copy of the edb file and corresponding transaction log files to the E:\Recovery folder. Which transaction log files you need to copy depends on how far forward you want to replay information into the database. Simply check the file stamps on the files. Warming: In real life, this file copy will take a long time!
The Recovery Process
Now we can do a recovery of the database in E:\Recovery folder. Start by deleting the checkpoint file “xxx.chk”. Next use eseutil from an elevated command prompt in the E:\Recovery folder:
eseutil /r xxx /a
Where xxx is the transaction log file prefix, such as E00. Output will look something similar to this:
Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Exchange Server
Version 14.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Initiating RECOVERY mode...
Logfile base name: e00
Log files:
System files:
Performing soft recovery...
Restore Status (% complete)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
This could take a long time depending on how many transaction log files you have to roll into the database file. The speed of rolling transaction log files is approximately 2 log files per second.
Next step is to rename the edb file to recoverydb.edb since that was the name chosen when we created the recovery database.
If everything has gone well, we can simply mount our recoverydb:
Mount-MailboxDatabase RecoveryDB
To see what mailboxes there is in the RecoveryDB, use:
Get-MailboxStatistics -Database RecoveryDB
To extract data from the Recovery database, use the Restore-Mailbox command:
Restore-Mailbox -RecoveryDatabase RecoveryDB -TargetFolder Recovery -Identity 'target mailbox' -RecoveryMailbox 'mailbox to get data from' -BadItemLimit 999 –Verbose
You could use several more parameters with Restore-Mailbox such as -ExcludeFolders, -SenderKeyWords, -AttachmentFilenames, -ContentKeywords, -AllContentKeywords, and many more. See the documentation on TechNet for full syntax of Restore-Mailbox.
When restore-mailbox command is finished, you will see a folder structure inside the ‘target mailbox’ named ‘Recovery’ with the extracted data beneath.
Now it’s Time to Clean Up
Now that you have managed to extract data from the lagged copy, you must start cleaning up (‘But Mom!’) First delete the shadow copy; otherwise, it will eventually fill up the shadow storage disk space.
Start by listing your current shadow copies with:
vssadmin list shadows
Look for the shadow you made before. (For example, timestamp is good to use.) Then delete the shadow copy with:
vssadmin delete shadows /Shadow=ShadowId
When you have finished, use the Recovery database. Simply delete it with:
Remove-MailboxDatabase RecoveryDB
And delete files in the E:\RecoveryDB folder.
Don’t forget to un-pause the replication of transaction log files with Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy:
Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity 'Mailbox Database 2036433681\FQDNofServerInDRSite' –ReplicationOnly
-ReplicationOnly is there to stop ActiveManager from accidentally activating the database DR site.
What if you encounter a corrupted file and need to recover the complete server but also want to go back a few hours in time? (and your DeLorean is all out of plutonium…)
You can always use your regular backup, but you could also use the lagged copy. Using the lagged copy in this scenario is even simpler than described above. Suspend replication, delete checkpoint file and as many transaction log files as you need to “go back in time.” Then select the amount of time and use eseutil /r to replay the transaction log files left on disk.
Next step is to do a switchover to the recovery site and server. Please see part 2 of this series for more detail: Exchange 2010 Site Disaster Recovery on a dime! Part2: Navigating the Failover process
Another approach would be to use a dial-tone database together with a recovery database. I will save this discussion for a future article.
In Part1 of this series I explained how to build a low cost site or datacenter disaster recovery solution using Microsoft Exchange’s new DAG feature. In this article, I will endeavor to explain what manual steps are required to failover to your other site in the event of a disaster.
First of all let’s discuss what types of problem can occur. There are a variety of problems that can happen ranging from simple disk failure to a tornado smashing the datacenter in the primary site. In this article, I would like to address how you would manually activate your backup exchange server if your primary server’s mother board or disk failed. Next, I will outline the steps to take if you experience the dreaded total site failure and then I will finally conclude with how to fail back to your primary site when everything returns to normal.
OK, so how do we recover from for example a motherboard failure?
If you find yourself in this situation, you can be sure that your primary Exchange server will be offline and not functional. The good news is that in this situation all your other core infrastructure will be up and working, including critical items like your domain controllers and DNS servers.
The first thing you will notice is that your Outlook clients will still try to connect to the original MAPI endpoint (RPC Client Access Service located on CAS). To quickly rectify this situation, simply just change the A record in DNS for the ClientAccessArray to the IP of CAS in the DR site. The Time To Live on this record should be a couple of minutes making the change to a new IP as fast as possible. Another thing you also should consider is the time it takes for DNS replication/updates to propagate throughout the network.
Next it will be time to get the databases up and running on your DR server.
First verify that all Exchange services are running on the DR server. If the services have been turned off this could cause other problems with transaction log replication.
The most simple step is to move all active databases from the primary site to be activated on the DR site. The following command should be run on a server in the DR site, most likely from the Exchange server.
First remove the activation block on mailboxes in the DR site
Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy 'mailbox database name\FQDNofaServerinDRSite
Perform this step on every mailbox database you want to activate. There is a chance that databases will mount automatically when resuming mailboxdatabasescopies. You can verify status by running Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus on Exchange server in DR site.
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -server FQDNofaServerinDRSite | fl Name, Status, ActivationSuspended, ContentIndexState, Activecopy
If databases are mounted and the ActiveCopy is True, you are done with the activation and outlook should now be able to connect and start receiving and sending mail internally. Next reconfigure services and applications to make Exchange reachable from Internet with SMTP, Outlook anywhere, OWA, Active Sync etc. If you have ISA or other reverseproxy server, reconfigure it to the server in the DR site instead of the server in the primary site. Other services that might need to be reconfigured are autodiscover and InternalUrl in several IIS virtual directories.
If mailboxes don’t mount correctly, you can manually run the following command:
Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase –Server FQDNofaServerinPrimarySite –ActivateOnServer FQDNofaServerinDRSite
Depending how Windows and Exchange managed to handle the crash you might encounter some errors, making the activation a little more difficult. Things that might happen range from the index is not up to date on the DR server or all transaction log files have not been copied to the DR server. The solution is to specify some extra parameters on the Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase command.
For example, -SkipClientExperienceChecks is good to use when index is not up to date.
If you have not configured AutoDatabaseMountDial on the mailbox server, by default it is set to lossless and there is always a chance that replication have not copied all transaction log files to DR server, then you have to use the –MountDialOverride with a parameter such as BestAvailability or GoodAvailability.
Other parameters that might be needed are –SkipLagChecks or –SkipHealthChecks.
You might have to use several parameters together to get databases up and running.
Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase –Server FQDNofaServerinPrimarySite –ActivateOnServer FQDNofaServerinDRSite –MountDialOverride:BestAvailability –SkipLagChecks –SkipHealthChecks -SkipClientExperienceChecks
More information about Move-ActiveMailboxDatatabase is found on Technet.
When you have replaced the motherboard on Exchange server in the primary site and replication starts going from the DR site to primary site, you’re good and it’s time to plan the switchover to the primarysite. This is done with the same step as above. Plan the switchover to a time during off hours since the switchover will take a couple of minutes due to the necessary DNS updates, AD replication and time it takes to run the commands above.
Finally, you should run the Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy again to disable automatic activation of databases in DR site.
Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity 'Mailbox Database 2036433681\FQDNofServerInDRSite' -ActivationOnly –Verbose
This last step is needed because activation is reset when you do a switchover between servers. Be sure to remember to do this for every mailbox database on your servers.
If you can’t get things started on Exchange in the primary site due to problems with corrupt database or transaction log files, you might have to reseed files from the server in DR site. Use the Update-StorageGroupCopy and possibly with the –DeleteExistingFiles parameter.
Recover from a disk failure is pretty much the same as above but it only involve databases and transaction log files located on the faulty disk.
Another cool thing is that you can even test a database switchover in production. To do this, first create a database in the primary site and make a copy in the DR site the same way all the other databases were created. Next create a mailbox in the test database, logon and send some test messages back and forth. Activate the test database on the DR server, edit the hosts file with the FQDN of the CASarrayname and the IP of Exchange in DR site and start outlook again. You should now be able to connect with Outlook to the DR server and use outlook the normal way with disturbing any other users.
Recover from a disaster in the primary site.
This is more problematic scenario, but the steps are basically the same as above. The slightly more complex steps are caused by the fact that you don’t have any servers or network connectivity in the primary site and that your cluster will not have access to its quorum, and as a result it will be in a failed state.
How do you solve this problem?
First you need to make your cluster working.
In the DR site, stop the failover cluster service if started and the start it again with the forcequorum switch.
net start clussvc /forcequorum
The next step is to active all databases on the DR server. This is done in the Move-ActiveMailboxdatabase command the same way as before.
You may also have to manually mount the databases.
With a complete site failure in the production site you most likely need to live with the DR site for a while which calls for more actions than just getting your Exchange server up and running. You also need to get traffic to and from Internet flowing, both mailflow and user access to Exchange. Autodiscover is your friend to update configuration in outlook, so make sure you have configure all URL’s correct.
So in the whole there is a lot more to reconfigure than just Exchange to do a site failover.
How do you fail back to your primary site after the disaster?
We have forced quorum on our cluster and if we restart the cluster service or reboot the server, the cluster service will fail to get quorum. This is important when servers go online in the primary datacenter since we don’t want to have a forced quorum in the secondary site when servers startup in the primary site.
If everything wasn’t that bad and we could simply power up everything in our primary site, replication should start working again.
But you have to do some things like, reconfigure your File Share Witness, restart cluster service on secondary Exchange server, and basically all steps we did to move everything to secondary site but now change everything to point to our primary site again. But don’t rush things here, let Active Directory get to a stable state first and then slowly move things back to normal.
Depending on what state servers are in and what happened you may not want to start Exchange in primary site, but remove it from DAG and rebuild Exchange, join it to DAG etc.
As you have probably noticed, there are lots of variables and therefore it is not easy task to write a step by step guide on what to do for every situation. It would be recommended to write out the basic steps and your configuration information to make the transition easier when you are dealing with the stress of the situation. The best tip I can give to all of you is to learn how things work and play with the various scenarios in a lab. The experience you gain from this will be your best friend when the unexpected happens in real life.
Microsoft Exchange team released an article on there blog about all the enhancements that will be in the upcoming Service Pack 1 for Exchange 2010.
The number one thing amongst several customer is that is now possible to have the online archive mailbox located on a separate database than the ordinary mailbox is.
There are of course many other cool new features such as access to the archive from Outlook 2007 and not only from Outlook 2010 or OWA 2010, and many many more features.
Read the whole story on You Had Me At EHLO
For you people that want to run Office Communication Server 2007 R2 (OCS R2) on Windows Server 2008 R2, this have not been possible before and if you have tried you have gotten yourself in technical problems. But the wait is finally over; with a couple of fixes it is now possible. One sad thing is that there is no support for upgraded OS, you have to install new boxes with Windows Server 2008 R2 and then install OCS R2 on them and move everything from the old server to the new servers.
Read this article for instructions
Worth mentioning is that group chat server is still not supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 and domain functional level cannot be 2008 R2 mode
Since Microsoft has made significant improvements to how Exchange handles disaster recovery of databases, many organizations have started to wonder how they can effectively prevent site, datacenter and other such disasters from occurring. But not every company has the budget to implement a new infrastructure, so how can such companies still take advantage of these new techonolgies? The answer is in this article -- I will explain how this can be accomplished with only two Exchange 2010 servers. In Part 1 we will discuss how to build the solution; then in Part 2 we will move on to discover how to activate the disaster recovery site.
Please note that this solution does not give you High Availability, but it will provide you with a solution for site and server disaster.
This solution builds and depends upon the Exchange 2010 feature called Database Availability Group (DAG). DAG is the new High Availability feature of Exchange 2010 that is the evolution of the Exchange 2007 CCR, LCS and SCR replication technology. A DAG can be built with as little as 2 Exchange server mailbox roles, and with as many as 16, making this a very flexible solution. The beauty of the Exchange 2010 DAG feature is that can also contain other Exchange server roles such as CAS and HUB, which is an attractive option for smaller organizations. To demonstrate the scalability of the DAG feature, I will use only two servers in my example – one in the production site and one in the Disaster Recovery site. This represents the smallest installation that can be done for DAG, but remember this is a flexible solution so at any point if you need to scale out with multiple DAG members the steps you would perform are nearly identical.
Building the solution.
In both the production site and the Disaster Recovery site we need a server with Windows Enterprise edition since DAG relies on Microsoft Failover Clustering which is only available in the Enterprise edition. (Remember that Exchange comes in either Standard or Enterprise edition. The Standard edition can be used with up to five databases, but if you need more than five then it is necessary to utilize the Enterprise edition of Exchange.) Both sites also need Domain Controllers and Global Catalog Servers. The DR (Disaster Recovery) site is most likely a different site in Active Directory to prevent users from accessing it.
Installing Exchange.
To install Exchange, you simply perform a standard Exchange installation in both sites. When you are finished you will have one Exchange server in the production site and one Exchange server in the DR site. Both servers can have all standard roles (i.e. Mailbox, HUB and CAS), but you can also install them on separate servers and have multiple roles on multiple servers.
To test that everything is functioning properly, I recommend creating a mailbox on each database that is mounted on each server, and then sending a test email from one mailbox to the other. Our configuration thus far is very basic since no clusters or DAGs have been built yet. At this point, our example consists of two Exchange servers located in different Active Directory sites.
Since DAG is one of the hottest new features in Exchange 2010, many articles have been written on the subject. Hence, I will walk you through the steps of creating a DAG fairly quickly.
Creating a DAG.
In the Exchange Management Console, under the Organization Configuration, Mailbox and the ‘Database Availability Groups’ tab, right click and select ‘New Database Availability Group.’
The Create a DAG wizard starts.
Next, enter a name for your DAG. If you have a server with a HUB role but no mailbox role, then the wizard will select the HUB server and create the witness directory for you. If you don’t have an available HUB server, then you must manually specify the ‘Witness Server’ and a ‘Witness Directory.’
At this stage I need to caution you that a permission issue might occur when creating the File Share Witness directory. This is because it’s not the logged on users security context that is utilized when creating the File Share Witness directory, but rather the Exchange server computer account. The solution is to add the ‘Exchange Trusted subsystem’ group to the witness server local administrators group. This is also necessary becasue in order to create a DAG you must also create a computer account in Active Directory. Thus, you might need to delegate ‘Exchange Trusted subsystem’ group to create and manage the computer account in Active Directory, or at least in a pre-populated disabled computer account.
Exchange Management Shell or Wizard?
If you prefer Exchange Management Shell over the Wizard, below is the command you need to create a DAG:
New-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Name DAG1 -WitnessDirectory C:\DAG1 -WitnessServer FQDNofaServerinPrimarySite -DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIpAddresses, -Verbose
The Exchange Management Shell is a better approach than the Wizard when you consider the following: with the Wizard you cannot set a fixed IP on your DAG. Instead, it will use DHCP to assign an IP. This is important to consider since it is recommended that you have an IP in every subnet that contains DAG members. The reasoning behind this is that when DAG moves to a different IP subnet, it needs to have a valid IP address on that IP subnet.
Adding the parameter Verbose will allow you to receive clues in case something goes wrong as the command runs and pulls more information for you.
Why is having fixed IP for your DAG preferable to using DHCP?
Remember that a DAG is actually a failover cluster, and in order for the cluster to function IP must be up and running. Since not every company uses DHCP on the server subnets (some only use it on client subnets), it is often more convenient to have fixed IP.
The next step is to add your Exchange mailbox servers to your DAG.
Click ‘Manage Database Availability Group Membership’ and then add the mailbox server to it.
If everything works out accordingly, then the Failover Cluster role will be installed on the servers you added to your DAG. You can start the Failover Cluster Management tool and see that there is a cluster called DAG1 that contains your two mailbox servers. The computer account should also be enabled, and the witness directory should be shared and also populated with a couple of files.
Below is the Exchange Management Shell comand that you must run one time for mailbox server that you add:
Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer -Identity DAG1 -MailboxServer FQDNofMailboxServer –Verbose
Remember to allow AD replication between each step, otherwise you may not be able to join servers to your DAG.
You should also see that a DAGNetwork has been created, and if you have multiple networks on your mailbox servers then there should be multiple DAGnetworks. Even though you should run DAG on a single network, it is oftentimes better to have mutiple NIC and networks in your server because it gives you the ability to separate MAPI, Cluster and replication traffic into different networks.
The next step is to add databases to your DAG members in order to enable replication. Up to this point, each server had only one database mounted but now we would like to add more to it.
Click the ’Add Mailbox Database Copy’
Next, select which servers you want to hold a copy of the mailbox database and the ActivationPreference.
Below is the Exchange Management Shell command:
Add-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity 'Mailbox Database 2036433681' -MailboxServer FQDNofServerInDRSite -ActivationPreference 2
This step can potentially take a long time since the database is seeded to the DR (Disaster Recovery) site; how long it takes depends on the database size and available bandwidth.
Now we must set some parameters on the mailbox database so that it is not automatically activated.
From Exchange Management Shell (EMS) run the following command:
Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity 'Mailbox Database 2036433681\FQDNofServerInDRSite' -ActivationOnly –Verbose
This will ensure that replication is still happening automatically while ensuring activation will not.
Next, run every mailbox database to both your servers with the ActivationPreference set to 1 on the server in the production site; then, set the database copy on the server in the Disaster Recovery site to ‘suspended’ for activation.
Configuring Replay Lag Time
Configuring Replay Lag time is something that you should seriously consider doing. Lag time is how long the passive copy will wait until the transaction log is replayed into the database. Replication is still happening as fast as possible.
Below is the EMS command:
Set-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity 'mailbox database 1976375852\FQDNofServerInDRSite' -ReplayLagTime 0.1:0:0 –Verbose
(Please note: 0.1:0:0 means 1 hour. In real life you should most likely set this to a higher value.)
There is also another paratemeter that you might want to use--the Truncation Lag Time.
Below is the EMS command:
Set-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity 'mailbox database 1976375852\FQDNofServerInDRSite' -TruncationLagTime 0.2:0:0
(Please note: 0.2:0:0 means 2 hours. In real life you should probably set this to another value.)
How long you set the ReplayLagTime and TruncationLogTime for depends on two things: 1) How long it takes you to notice a corruption on the production site, and 2) How long it takes to replay all transaction log files if you activate the DR site. For instance, if you know you can detect a corruption in the active datacenter within 10 hours, then you should probably set the ReplayLagTime to 12 hours or so to allow for recovery of all non-corrupted data. Also consider the amount of disk space you have when setting the ReplayLagTime.
More information about Managing Mailbox Database Copies can be found on Technet:
For more information on creating a DAG, click here:
Creating the CASArray.
Now your DAG and databases should be all ready to go! Remember to monitor the replication with Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus –Server FQDNofServer
CopyQueueLength and ReplicationQueueLength should show small numbers if possible, preferably zero or one, but in real life you would see higher values depending on your bandwith, serverload, etc.
Why do you need a ClientAccessArray?
Technically, this is not needed but rather highly recommended because it’s easier to manage a system that has one, and since it’s only a name that you can move to another IP, you can also move your client connection point.
Move client connection point?!
Yes, the Outlook MAPI connection is moved from the Information Store on the mailbox server to the CAS (and the CASArray name if you have one defined.)
New-ClientAccessArray -Name CASArray-HQ -Fqdn FQDNofYourDesiredEndpoint -Site ADsiteInPrimaryDatacenter
For more information on the New-ClientAccessArray, click here:
Now configure all your databases to have the CASArray-HQ object as the RPCClientAccessServer. This will ensure that Outlook conencts to CASArray FQDN instead of the actual server name.
Get-MailboxDatabase Set-MailboxDatabase -RpcClientAccessServer CASArray-HQ
You must also create a record in DNS with FQDNofYourDesiredEndpoint with an IP of your Exchange server in the primary datacenter. Set the TTL to a low value, such as 5 minutes, to make the switchover go faster to the Disaster Recover site.
When Outlook connects, it will now connect to the ‘FQDNofYourDesiredEndpoint’ name. Also, if you look at the MAPI settings, Outlook thinks that the FQDNofYourDesiredEndpoint is the Exchange mailbox server.
Configuring Autodiscover
For Outlook to connect properly you must make sure to configure Autodiscover correctly.
At this point you should have two servers with the Mailbox, HUB, and CAS roles on each one, a DAG with the two servers (one in each AD site), and a CASArray located on the server in the primary AD site.
Failovers will not occur automatically because of the configurations we did on the mailbox databases. Thus, if you reboot the primary server then clients will lose connection to their mail.
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial on Exchange Server 2010 Disaster Site, and that you were able to follow my instructions and begin preparing your organization for the worst-case scenario: site or server disaster. Now that you know how to build the solution, in Part 2 of this piece we will move on to discussing how to activate the disaster recovery site, at which point I will explain how to backup, test and perform a switchover should your Exchange server fail.
If you are the person who wants to have the help file on your PC instead of going to the Exchange 2010 technet documentation website, here is the download link for the February release.
Both the website and chm file is regularly updated, so come back from time to time for updates.