Wednesday, August 3, 2011

More proxyaddresses scripts

Remember the post about Remove proxy addresses Script? It was developed for Exchange 2007 and did not work for Exchange 2010.
People wrote comments with suggestions (thank you all for that) and I thought I published an updated version that work with Exchange 2010 together with another script that add SMTP addresses.
# Remove proxy addresses
# change the Get-Mailbox statement in line 7 to select only a subset of mailboxes

$DomainToRemove = "*"

#get mailboxes and iterate through
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | foreach {
# .emailaddresses returns array
# loop each email address
for ($i=$_.EmailAddresses.Count;$i -ge 0; $i--)
$address = $_.EmailAddresses[$i]
#Write-Host $address
# removes all addresses with $DomainToRemove
if ($address.SmtpAddress -like $DomainToRemove )
Write-host("Remove smtp adress: " + $address.AddressString.ToString() )
# remove address in the array
# save changes
$_ | Set-Mailbox -EmailAddresses $_.EmailAddresses

And the Add proxy addresses script.

# Add proxy addresses
# change the Get-Mailbox statement in line 8 to select only a subset of mailboxes

$AddressSearchedFor = "*"
$DomainToAdd = ""

#get mailboxes and iterate through
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | foreach{
# .emailaddresses returns array
# loop each email address
for ($i=$_.EmailAddresses.Count;$i -ge 0; $i--)
$address = $_.EmailAddresses[$i]
#Write-Host $address

# look for SMTP addresses in source
if ($address.SmtpAddress -like $AddressSearchedFor )
# get the left part of address
$a = [string] $address
$b = $a.indexof("@")
$a = $a.substring(5, $b-5 )
#Write-Host $

# Add SMTP address
Write-host("Adding smtp adress: " + $a + $DomainToAdd )
# add address in the array
$_.EmailAddresses.add("smtp:" + $a + $DomainToAdd)
# save changes
$_ | Set-Mailbox -EmailAddresses $_.EmailAddresses


  1. is any lost of using these scripts in applications or not?


  2. You dont loose anything. One script add addresses and the other one remove addresses from user accounts.
